Tarsa Ventilation & Air Conditioning


We manufacture air ducts with high quality equipment in our 2200 m² factory, using DX51-DX52 coated stainless steel or aluminum sheets and high strength, leak-proof connecting and edge parts. Our equipment includes square duct, edge duct connection (joint), plasma cutting, vertical, spiral pipe, wire stitching, gasket locking, roller conveyors, automatic roller, flange cutting machine, grinding roller, wire stitching machine, spot welding machine, lock forming machine (for details), tracking device, lock seaming machine, flange production machine, easy guillotine cutting machine, and Vint dry compressors.

Our air ducts are made of high-quality galvanized steel sheets produced in Turkey. The channels and parts are manufactured with a double sealing system, minimizing leakage and energy loss.

In addition, our factory also produces aesthetically pleasing painted spiral and square channels. The aesthetic design of each part and channel allows the use of duct systems as part of the decoration in modern buildings.

Spiral channels are available in standard diameters (mm): 100-125-150-160-180-200-224-250-280-300-315-355-400-450-500-560-600-630-710-800-900-1000-1120-1200 and can be produced in any desired size.

Our ventilation ducts include flanged rectangular air ducts, rectangular air ducts, circular ventilation ducts, cylindrical air ducts, and circular segmented air ducts.

Our Services

Our services include the calculation of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in compliance with standards, design of projects with engineering solutions, and installation of HVAC systems such as AHUs, chillers, FCUs, VRFs, etc.

Ventilation ducts: We also manufacture ventilation ducts, which are the basic components of ventilation systems that provide air circulation in buildings, and we also produce their insulation. We manufacture all the connections of these ducts in our high-level factory.

Ventilation systems: As TAR SA HVAC, our main goal is to increase the living comfort by implementing fans, extractors, and other systems, and also to aim for economical and efficient expenses. We produce special extractors and fans for different areas.

Flue Systems: Flue systems are the systems that help to exhaust dirty air outside. Flue systems are important because they allow clean air to enter the environment or protect the clean air in the environment, and they are made up of quality materials and systematic parts.

HVAC Evaluation and Construction: Among the services we offer are the calculation of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems according to normative rules and their design with appropriate engineering solutions. In addition, the construction and installation of HVAC systems such as AHU, Chiller, FCU, VRF, etc. are also carried out by our team.

Underground Ventilation: Ventilation systems are the most important vital function in enclosed spaces such as shelters, underground ventilation systems, and tunnels. Our team designs suitable systems for your structure and implements them.